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Angular and Nodejs Crud APP

Task Manager

This task managing web application uses full CRUD operations between the front-end built in Angular and the backend using a Node.js API connected to a MySQL database. It offers easy task management as well as the option to save multiple lists.

What tools it uses

TypeScript Angular Node.js Express MySQL MaterialUI Heroku Railway

How I built it

I developed a task management web application using full CRUD operations with Angular and a Node.js API connected to a MySQL database. The application offers task management features with the option to save multiple lists. The REST API was created using the node module express on a Node.js server, with all requests for GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE routed to database queries that perform CRUD operations on a CLEARDB MySQL database add-on hosted on Heroku. The app implements HTTPS TLS encryption to ensure privacy protection for personal tasks or lists. The front-end design was built using Angular web framework with MaterialUI libraries and TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS languages. The application was deployed on with CICD automatic deploys connected to the repository's main branch. Design patterns implemented include MVC, Restful Service Layer, and Single Page Application (SPA). Features include cross off tasks, editing, and deletion of lists and tasks, with the sidebar highlighting the current active list loaded. The application is responsive to most viewports using CSS @media selectors to change font-size, margins, and layout depending on the device's dimensions such as mobile, tablet, or desktop.