
Python Sorting Algorithm Visualization Tool

Sorting Algorithms

This Pygame app visualizes bubble sort and quick sort sorting algorithms with customized UI components using Pygame.

What tools it uses

Python Pygame Quick Sort Bubble Sort Atom

How I built it

The Sorting Algorithms app is a visual demonstration of two commonly used sorting algorithms, bubble sort and quick sort, using Pygame and Python. With the use of customized UI components such as sliders and toggle buttons, the app allows users to experiment with the sorting algorithms and get a hands-on understanding of how they work. The app also features window resizing capabilities, where the number of columns is calculated to fit the width and height of the user's screen.

As the developer, I was able to incorporate my ability to self-teach and learn a new language into this project. Learning how to code in Python was a new experience for me, and this project allowed me to put my newly learned skills to the test. I was able to learn how to use Pygame and Python, and design custom GUI components that matched the overall aesthetic of the app.

This project was a fun passion project, which I was able to complete in just a couple of days. By building this app, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of sorting algorithms, how they work, and how they can be used in various applications. Overall, the Sorting Algorithms app was a great learning experience for me, allowing me to build my skills and explore the possibilities of Python and Pygame.