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React Google Drive Clone

Delunico Drive

A React.js web app that implements file storage from the google firebase API with user authentication. File directories can store uploaded files saved to your account and can later be downloaded.

What tools it uses

React Node.js Bootstrap Firebase HTML CSS TypeScript Go Railway

How I built it

To build Delunico Drive, I developed a React web application that enables users to store, download and share their files through a Firebase API. The app incorporates several technologies such as ReactJS, Node.js, Bootstrap, and Firebase, with data being hosted on Google Firebase and accessed via its API. User authentication and password recovery features are included, with the option for sharing download and viewing links to their files. For user data protection, the app incorporates HTTPS SSL certificates, encryption of passwords using a hash algorithm, and authorization controls to prevent unauthorized access to other user's files. The front-end is now deployed on, while the project was formerly hosted on the Heroku web server. The application utilizes the MVC design pattern, RESTful service layer, and Single Page Application (SPA) with CRUD functionalities that allow users to upload, create directories and subdirectories, and update their account information.